To place an order, please complete and sign the order form and send along with an Institutional Purchase Order to gurwitz@post.tau.ac.il The original forms should be mailed to the address shown below. Please include a short cover letter explaining the research project for which the DNA samples or cell lines will be used.
After receiving an order for cell lines one vial of each frozen cell line is thawed. The viability of the cells and lack of mycoplasma contamination is checked by our staff. B-cell lines are viable for at least one week at ambient temperatures, and are shipped as growing cultures (approximately 20 million cells).in a volume of 15 ml RPMI. Shipment of frozen vials in dry-ice is not recommended due to possible delays by local customs.
Our DNA samples are sent in sterile distilled water at a concentration of ~500 ng/ul and are PCR-ready. Each 5 ug DNA sample is sufficient for approximately 50 to 100 PCR reactions.
Minimal orders are US$ 500 Special discounts are available for orders exceeding US $5,000 (please inquire) Kindly contact us before placing an Institutional Purchase Order (contact details below), as some DNA samples could be temporarily out of stock.
Orders not accompanied by an Institutional Purchase Order will not be processed. Shipments are made with courier within 2 – 3 weeks of receiving your order. Israeli customers: please note that there is no VAT.

All donors are adult Israeli citizens (over 18 years old) and have given written informed consent for the study of their genetic material (DNA or cells) for biomedical research.
Commercial use of samples is not allowed.
Ethnicity is self-defined by the donors.
For Jewish donors, it is defined according to the place of birth of their four grandparents. For example, Iraqi Jewish donors have four grandparents who were born in Iraq.
Gender and age are available for all donors (with some exceptions for age).
Height and weight and smoking status (smoker/non-smoker) are available for some donors.